Michigan Wolves-Hawks East
The Michigan Wolves-Hawks Soccer Club is pleased to announce the formation of the Michigan Wolves-Hawks EAST Soccer Club. This new club will serve elite level athletes in Oakland County, Macomb County, and beyond.
The Michigan Wolves-Hawks EAST is an extension of the Livonia based Wolves-Hawks organization, following the same 34-year dedication and commitment to excellence that has produced eight overall National Championship teams, countless ODP players and collegiate Student-Athletes, and numerous professional players.
Players from the Wolves-Hawks EAST will be fully integrated into the Wolves-Hawks philosophy, and will share opportunities to participate in the highest levels of soccer in the US, including the US Soccer Development Academy, the newly formed Elite Clubs National League (ECNL), and MRL.
Michigan Wolves-Hawks EAST Teams will be forming at Try-Outs on June 15 and 16, 2013 at Gilcher Soccer Park. Gilcher Soccer Park is located on 29 Mile Road between Mound and Campground Roads.
For additional information, please go to: www.michiganwolveshawkseast.com. or contact Jason Davis (248) 379-2139.