Welcome to the Michigan Wolves-Hawks Managers page. This page is designed to provide our team managers with guidelines and resources to assist them in their manager role. Many of the following suggestions/guidelines are from current or previous managers:

Important Contacts you will need:

Wolves-Hawks Secretary: Amy Richters wolveshawks@aol.com
Webmaster and Financial Manager: Heather Prince hprince6@gmail.com
Field Scheduler and ECNL Coordinator: Terri Rentis rentist@hotmail.com
Uniform and Merchandise Manager: Jerry and Amber Townes whuniforms@gmail.com
Ref Assignor Erich Shrewsberry eshrews@gmail.com


Thank you for volunteering to serve as a team manager. Your role as team manager is instrumental to the success of your team and the club. We want you to be successful and we have put together this manual to give you the necessary tools and “how to’s” to do so. These are only suggestions; please do what works best for you and your team. This is also a “working” manual; it will be continually revised.

The team manager role is a commitment. If you feel you cannot fulfill the responsibilities alone, please enlist another parent to share the responsibilities with you or talk with the coach to see if another parent would be better suited to assume the role. In an effort of continuous improvement, if you discover short cuts, helpful information, or other successful ways to improve the Team Manager responsibilities, please share them with us so we are able to share best practices with other managers. Remember, that while your role entails a great deal of managing, organizing, and paperwork, always consider the well being of your players first.

Thank you again for volunteering and for helping to make this a great year in club soccer.


Every soccer team has at least one designated team manager responsible for administration and coordination of the team’s activities and communication between the families and the coach(es). The team manager is critical to the success of the season and directly impacts the positive experience of the families involved. The coach is to instruct the players in their soccer skills and direct the players at practices and at games. The team manager handles the “off the field” activities. All coaches and team managers need to be registered with their corresponding league, which is the Western Suburban Soccer League (WSSL), the Michigan State Developmental Soccer League (MSDSL), the Michigan State Premier Soccer League (MSPSL), the Midwest Regional League (MRL), US Soccer Developmental Academy, or the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL). In addition, coaches’ and managers’ risk management screening and cards are processed through their respective registration house which is the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA), US Soccer, or US Club Soccer.


Send Amy and Heather your name, team you will be managing, address, phone and email address to wolveshawks@aol.com and  hprince6@gmail.com.


Tryout day is hectic for everyone. Preparation before hand will make the day go smoother. If you have volunteered to help with the registration process please read over the tryout procedure document to familiarize yourself with the process. It is highly recommended that you do not take in any paperwork, photos etc. until the tryout registration is complete otherwise the lines can get quite long. Every player must have registered for tryouts in Team Snap before they step on the field.

To prepare for tryouts we suggest that you prepare individual packets with all of the necessary paperwork to distribute to the parents after a commitment has been made by the coach. Fill in all the information you can i.e. correct team name before you hand out the forms, the Team Snap URL and your contact information. You will want to assist families with filling out the paperwork to avoid having to make corrections later. There will be a Manager tent for you to have your parents collect together and hand in the paperwork to you. You need to have the tryout selection form. The second tab allows you to determine jersey numbers already in use so that as players turn in their paperwork you can assign them an unused number between 0-40. Current team players receive their top choice, current club players receive their choice based on seniority in the club and then you need to determine the jersey number of the new players based on their requests. As the parents return the required information you can check off the pieces of information (first tab) and make sure you have collected everything you require before the parents leave. All players should use the Team Snap URL given to them in your welcome letter to accept their position on the team, order the uniform and pay for the uniform kit and first payment.  Any issues please find Heather Prince in the registration tent.

Before you leave the tryouts you must find Heather Prince and copy the list of the players that the coach has chosen for your team so that she can input them onto your Team Snap roster quickly.

Recommended Tryout Paperwork by League:

WSSL – Western Suburban Soccer League (www.wsslsoccer.org) U7-U19 Select Teams

  1. WSSL Welcome Letter to be modified with Manager’s contact info and Team Snap URL before printing.
  2. WSSL Manager Instructions Print only one for yourself and print one WSSL Parent Instructions for each parent.
  3. WSSL Player Contract MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  4. Medical Release Form MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  5. MSYSA Parent & Athlete Concussion Information Form Required for all players.
  6. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of player’s Birth Certificate
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A 1.5″x1.5″ head shot to be uploaded into GotSoccer for pass card
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order, and payment.
  7. U7 Hawks Uniform Kit Form or U7 Wolves Uniform Kit
    U8-U18 Hawks Uniform Kit Form or U8-U18 Hawks GK Uniform Kit
    U8-U18 Wolves Uniform Kit Form or U8-U18 Wolves GK Uniform Kit

MSDSL – Michigan State Developmental Soccer League (www.msdsl.demosphere.com) U7-U10 Select teams

  1. MSDSL Welcome Letter to be modified with Manager’s contact info and Team Snap URL before printing.
  2. MSDSL Manager Instructions Print only one for yourself and print one MSDSL Parent Instructions for each parent.
  3. MSDSL Contract MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  4. Medical Release Form MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  5. MSYSA Parent & Athlete Concussion Information Form Required for all players.
  6. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of player’s Birth Certificate
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A 1.5″x1.5″ head shot to be uploaded into GotSoccer for pass card
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.
  7. U7 Hawks Uniform Kit Form or U7 Wolves Uniform Kit
    U8-U18 Hawks Uniform Kit Form or U8-U18 Hawks GK Uniform Kit
    U8-U18 Wolves Uniform Kit Form or U8-U18 Wolves GK Uniform Kit

DA – Director’s Academy (www.michiganyouthsoccer.org) U11-U12 high level teams

  1. DA Welcome Letter to be modified with Manager’s contact info and Team Snap URL before printing.
  2. Medical Release Form MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  3. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A 1.5″x1.5″ head shot to be uploaded into GotSoccer for pass card
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.
    • Registration via Sportsforms link to complete league registration.
  4. Hawks Uniform Kit Form or Hawks GK Uniform Kit
    Wolves Uniform Kit Form or Wolves GK Uniform Kit

MSPSP – Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (www.mspsl.org) U13-U19 premier teams and U13 Pre-MRL teams

  1. MSPSP Welcome Letter to be modified with Manager’s contact info and Team Snap URL before printing.
  2. MSPSP Manager Instructions Print only one for yourself and print one MSPSP Parent instructions for each parent.
  3. MSPSP Contract MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  4. Medical Release Form MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  5. MSYSA Parent & Athlete Concussion Information Form Required for all players.
  6. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of player’s Birth Certificate
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A 1.5″x1.5″ head shot to be uploaded into GotSoccer for pass card
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.
  7. Hawks Uniform Kit Form or Hawks GK Uniform Kit
    Wolves Uniform Kit Form or Wolves GK Uniform Kit (All U13+ players must have the third jersey)

MRL – Midwest Regional League (www.usyouthsoccer.org/mrl/) U13-U19 accepted teams

  1. MRL Welcome Letter to be modified with Manager’s contact info and Team Snap URL before printing.
  2. Medical Release Form MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  3. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A 1.5″x1.5″ head shot to be uploaded into GotSoccer for pass card
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.
    • Registration via Sportsforms link to complete league registration.
  4. Hawks Uniform Kit Form or Hawks GK Uniform Kit
    Wolves Uniform Kit Form or Wolves GK Uniform Kit (All U13+ players must have the third jersey)

ECNL Girls – Elite Clubs National League (www.eliteclubsnationalleague.com) U14 – U19 Elite Girls’ Teams

  1. ECNL Welcome Letter
  2. ECNL Medical Release
  3. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of player’s Birth Certificate or passport.
    • A digital head shot photo
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.
  4. Hawks Uniform Kit Form or Hawks GK Uniform Kit

ECNL Boys – Elite Club National League (www.boysecnl.com) U14 – U19 Elite Boys’ Teams (**also playing WSSL-Wolves division to be eligible for State Cup)

  1. Boys ECNL Welcome letter
  2. WSSL Manager Instructions Print only one for yourself and print one WSSL Parent Instructions for each parent.
  3. WSSL Player Contract MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  4. Medical Release Form MUST be signed and handed in by end of tryout session.
  5. US Club Soccer waiver
  6. MSYSA Parent & Athlete Concussion Information Form Required for all players.
  7. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of player’s Birth Certificate or passport
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A 1.5″x1.5″ head shot to be uploaded into GotSoccer for pass card
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.
  8. Wolves Uniform Kit Form or Wolves GK Uniform Kit

U.S. Development Academy Boys (www.ussoccerda.com) U12 – U19 Elite Boys’ Teams

  1. Boys Academy Waiver
  2. Your welcome letter will have asked for the parent to provide the following:
    • Copy of player’s Birth Certificate or passport.
    • Copy of front and back of Health Insurance Card.
    • A digital head shot photo
    • Registration via Team Snap URL to complete waivers, uniform order and payment.

We have tried to write the managers manual to cover issues as they occur. After tryouts you will have a lot of organizational needs and some of our sample forms used by other managers may assist you. Use what works best for you!

The first thing to accomplish is to double check that you have all the forms you require from each player and follow up to obtain any missing items. Separate your forms into categories and alphabetize them and place them in your team binder (see recommendations for team binder below).


Once you have given Heather Prince your list of players at tryouts she will move the players from the tryout registration file to your Team Snap account. The parents will have received a registration link from you in the Welcome letter but cannot be registered onto your team until they have completed the registration. The registration will have the team commitment acknowledgement, liability waiver, financial commitment acknowledgement, code of conduct and consent to travel waivers, policy on spectator behavior acknowledgement, and uniform waiver for electronic signature. The parents will be required to input their credit card to accept the registration. Heather will download the information from Team Snap and email the file to each manager to provide you with contact information and the uniform order.

Team Uniform Orders:

Team Uniform Order Forms are due by June 22, 2017 at 5PM therefore you must place this as a top priority. Once all of the players have completed the Team Snap registration the file will be emailed to you with the uniform sizing requests.

  1. Download the Correct Team Uniform order form for your Team:
  2. Fill out the full name of the team correctly first
  3. You must insert player information in sequence from lowest to highest number (very important) so please check that the player has filled in the number you assigned them at tryouts.  The form will enforce this and if the sequence is not followed it could result in extra work.
  4. Use the drop down menus to fill in size.
  5. Please do not alter the columns, rows, or cells on the Team Uniform Order Forms
  6. You will need to email the completed form to whuniforms@gmail.com  by June 22nd at 5PM.

You have a very tight deadline to submit your uniform order. If you do not meet these dates, there is no way we can guarantee you will receive your order before your first game. If you order any items requiring customization (i.e. jersey, warm-ups or bag) after the deadline there will be a $25.00 late charge per item throughout the entire season. Each team will receive one blood jersey that could be purchased by a late add player.


Risk Management:

Risk Management is an essential aspect of all soccer programs and is overseen by the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA), by US Club Soccer, and by US Soccer. All coaches, assistant coaches, and managers are required to have Risk Management cards before you create your roster for any league. Most tournaments will require a copy of these cards, and league referees may ask to see them. Please ensure that your team is in compliance. There is a $7.50 fee for Risk Management applications through MSYSA. The state no longer issues temporary risk management passes. All applications must be submitted well in advance of tournament or league play so check the expiration dates on your risk management cards.

Please visit the Risk Management section of MSYSA website directly. There are several articles and procedures to print, read, and keep in your notebook about Lightning, Net Safety, etc. To obtain or renew your Risk Management Card you must log in to your Coach/Manager Got Soccer account. If you are new Manager please contact Amy Richters to obtain your Got Soccer log in.


If any of your players are from Canada, or were born outside of the US, the USYSA requires a one time foreign clearance.  If the player has already received clearance in the past, he/she doesn’t have to apply again. Here are the instructions from the Michigan youth soccer website:

First Registration Form (US Citizens born outside the U.S. who have never been registered to play soccer in another Country.)
Entry Prior to 12 Form (Players who have entered the U.S. prior to age 12. Must supply official documentation.)
International Clearance for Minors (Players currently between ages 12 to 17 who are not eligible for one of the proceeding methods must prove that he/she meets one of these two exceptions: (1) The player has moved with his/her parents to the US for reasons other than playing soccer, OR (2) The player and prospective club are both located within 30 miles of an international border. Click here for more information.)


WSSL Registration instructions were provided in the tryout section. If you have a WSSL question which cannot be answered from their website, please contact Amy (wolveshawks@aol.com). Amy is the WSSL representative for the club. Please do not contact the administrator from WSSL directly, or have any of your team families contact WSSL directly. If you have an issue that Amy can’t answer, Amy will contact WSSL. WSSL is one of the largest leagues in the state. If managers and parents are contacting her directly, you can imagine the overload and therefore the lack of efficiency


For U13-U19 teams who elect to play premier. MSPSP Registration instructions were provided in the tryout section. Please check the Premier website at www.mspsl.org  for any additional information or contact Amy Richters with questions.


2017 – 2018 Application Information:

There are TWO (2) applications that must be submitted in order for a team to be considered for participation with the Midwest Regional League – the MRL Application and the MSYSA/GotSoccer Application. Both application and fees must be submitted by the deadlines listed in the MSYSA Calendar of Important MRL Dates.

          1. The Team Manager must complete the MSYSA Application for Participation in the MRL no later than 4:30pm on June 27th for ALL U14-U19 teams that meet the eligibility requirements. (MSYSA information on MRL). Managers should ask Amy Richters if they need to complete the MSPSP paperwork in case their team is not accepted to MRL.
          2. There is an online player registration system. Old forms will not be accepted.
          3. Teams will be notified of their endorsement on/around July 1st. Please familiarize yourself with MSYSA Calendar of Important MRL Dates. All coaches registered to teams in the MRL must have a USSF “C” Coaching License.
          4. By completing the MSYSA and MRL application forms, we are applying for a spot in the Midwest Regional League but we are not guaranteed a spot, and that division placement of teams within the Midwest Regional League is at the discretion of the MRL Technical Committee.
          5. For U14 – U19 Teams: A team may only keep their “earned” MRL spot from the prior seasonal year if that team has a minimum of 9 returning players (i.e. there is at least 9 players in common between the prior and current seasonal year rosters), or the team obtains prior approval from MSYSA.
          6. Please work on getting color headshots of your players uploaded into Got Soccer. Pass cards for teams accepted into the MRL will ultimately be printed with the pictures you have uploaded into Got Soccer.


For Michigan Wolves Academy participants. All registration information can be found online at www.ussoccerda.com. For US Soccer Development Academy, managers in conjunction with the designated academy administrator must create a team profile for each player.

ECNL Registration:

All players should have the ECNL Medical Release signed. Managers need to contact Terri Rentis at rentist@hotmail.com  to update the Girls ECNL website and issue pass cards. Contact Amy Richters for the Boys ECNL registration.


Player passes are official identification cards that are generated by the leagues after player registrations are approved. Using illegal passes or illegal players can have severe consequences to the player, coach, team manager and the club. You or the coach MUST have the pass cards in order to play a game. Always make sure the referee returns your passes to you or the coach after the game.
Pass cards must be laminated.  There are office supply stores or copy centers that provide laminating services, or you can purchase self-laminating sheets. You will also need photo pass cards for head coaches, assistant coaches, and managers. The easiest way to keep your player cards together after they are laminated is to place them on a labeled key ring or binder ring by punching a hole in the upper corner opposite the photo. Generally, organizing them in alphabetical order so that they match the roster sheets is best. It will save time during check-in before games and at tournament registration.


  1. Team Binder

You will be the keeper of a lot of information and gear. We’ve found that the best way to keep all of it organized is to create a team notebook. A 3 ring binder that has a zipper to keep everything inside and dry is best. Otherwise it is recommended to use sheet protectors to protect rosters, birth certificates, medical releases, etc. A zipper pouch is useful to hold pens and keep pass cards secure. You will need to carry all necessary forms while traveling with the team. Keep them in your notebook. Team Snap will replace most of the paper information that was formally carried in the binder.  Contact information, schedules of games and training, maps, and game results can all be retrieved through Team Snap.  You will want to make sure that the Team Snap page is updated often with any changes to schedules, contact information, etc.  Some items will still need to be maintained in the binder and should travel with you to games, events, and tournaments. These items include:


League Info

          • Official State Roster. Make several copies, but keep your original on file.
          • Pass cards
          • Risk Management cards
          • Copy of League Rules
          • Copy of Referee fee schedule if not noted in rules

Medical Releases

          • Forms signed, in alphabetical order. (Make an extra copy for the coach to carry at all times. Most parents come to games, but many do not stay at practices.)

Birth Certificates

          • Forms in alphabetical order                                                        


We suggest that you have a binder at home to put the rest of your forms that you do not have to carry with you but have collected at tryouts. As you finish tournaments you will want to move them out of the binder you carry into the binder at home. You may also want to carry a backpack or have a tote container in your car for extra items such as an extra pair of shin guards, socks, hat, gloves, sunscreen, bug spray and a first aid kit. Some recommended items for your first aid kit are athletic tape, pre-wrap, band-aids (various sizes), Motrin, antiseptic cream, paper towels, water bottle for rinsing, hydrogen peroxide to remove blood, scissors’ and instant ice.


  1. Communication
          • Each team will have their own Wolves-Hawks Team page on the website. The team web-sites are created from data that you provide to the webmaster, Heather Prince. During the year you need to remember to send an email to the webmaster with any updates.
          • You will be responsible for maintaining the calendar for your team in Team Snap. You will need to input any practices, games, or additional events. The calendar allows you to type in the address so that it will map the event and you can add comments such as Uniform color. You are also responsible for maintaining the Got Soccer Team Page.
          • Team Snap emails and alerts are important ways to communicate with your families. If the message is something of an urgent nature (needs to be read in a couple of hours or is an important change in schedule, etc.), you can send an alert through Team Snap.
          • Ensure that all parents know where to find the club website www.michiganwolveshawks.com and that they know to look for current news.

Scheduling Games:

WSSL Teams

All WSSL scheduling is now done in advance of an official scheduling meeting. Following final divisioning, team representatives will be notified of the division opponents along with contact information. Scheduling should be done by phone or email with the opposing coach. All home games must be confirmed with the club field scheduler, Terri Rentis.

All schedules and game locations are on the WSSL website. Notify your team when the final game schedules are posted. Most maps are available via links on the WSSL website. Final game schedules should be added to the Team Snap calendar.

All league rules and guidelines are posted on the league website. Please familiarize yourself with the club pass card player rules, small sided game formats, minimum and maximum roster sizes, etc. prior to the start of the season.

WSSL Game Day Procedures
WSSL Laws of the Game
WSSL Club Pass card and Player Rules
WSSL Rules and Regulations
WSSL Policy on Spectator Behavior

MSPSL (Premier) Teams

All premier scheduling is done online. Please see the premier website for instructions.

MRL Teams

The MRL will notify you of your division opponents along with their contact information. Check the MRL website for information and dates.


Inform Heather (financial/web), Amy (registration), and Terri (ECNL registration), if there are any changes to your team roster. Inform Terri of any changes in game schedules. Inform the league of game scores.

League Websites

Referee Fees

Each team is responsible to pay the referee fees. Make sure you divide the fees into the correct denominations for each referee at the game. 11 v 11 games will have 3 referees, one center and two line referees. Be sure you understand the correct fees for your age group and league. Small-sided games may use fewer referee or have different fees structures.

To be ready in advance of your games, it is easiest to prepare all referee payments at the same time by preparing envelopes for each game. Each envelope should be labeled with the game date, the game number, the team names, the referee it is intended for, and the dollar amount.

WSSL and MSDSL Fees for 2018 Fall Season:

Please note that while the total referee fee per game is the same for all WSSL and MSDSL games, WSSL teams are responsible for the full referee fee for HOME games only.  MSDSL teams are responsible for half of the referee fees for ALL games. 

$40 center referee
$27 linesmen x 2=Total of $94
(MSDSL $47 per team)

$32 center referee
$22 linesmen x 2=Total of $76
(MSDSL $38 per team)

7v7 (3 ref system)
$28 for center referee
$17 linesman x 2= total of $62
(MSDSL $31 per team)

$20  referee
$20 total for one referee
(MSDSL $10 per team)


Premier (MSPSL)

Teams are responsible for paying half of the referee fee for all games.

13/14 $40 middle $30 line (max total $100)

15/16 $50 middle $35 line (max total $120)

17/18 $60 middle $40 line (max total $140)


Director’s Academy, MRL, ECNL, State Cup, Jr. State Cup

Check league and tournament websites for referee fees.


          • Game reports are available through the team login in Got Soccer for WSSL, MSDSL, Director’s Academy, and MSPSL league games.
          • Refer to the league website rules for game reports for other leagues.
          • Prepare the team roster/game report sheets. This form will be given to the main referee at the game.
          • Prepare referee payment envelopes.


          • Give the prepared team roster/game report sheet to the main referee.
          • Give the 3 prepared referee payment envelopes to the main referee.
          • Give the player pass cards to the referee to check-in the team.
          • If home team, provide game ball to the main referee.


          • Remember to get player pass cards back from the referee.
          • Check to make sure the game report is signed by the coach confirming that the scores are accurate.
          • Call-in or enter the score in the e-scoring system as necessary. Instructions for the scoring systems can be found on the league website. NOTE: You should check the results web page for your respective league to make sure that it is updated with game scores. At the end of the season, if a game has gone unreported (even if you were the losing team), both clubs are fined. If you find that a game has gone 2 weeks without being updated, please contact the league with the score.
          • Make sure the players clean up after themselves and their opponents before leaving the facility or park.

Reschedule of Game

          • If a game needs to be rescheduled due to a rain out, it is the home team’s manager’s responsibility to coordinate the make-up game with the opposing team manager.
          • To coordinate a make-up game, you will need to contact the club field coordinator to obtain and “book” game times.


        1. Please read through and understand the required paperwork for each tournament.
        2. Handle tournament registration – fill out and gather necessary forms and paperwork.
        3. Obtain the State Permission to Travel (for out of state tournaments if necessary). This is done online through Got Soccer or MSYSA.  You may be asked for Risk Management Cards.
        4. Handle all hotel reservations or find a parent volunteer to help you.
        5. Print and retain a copy of the tournament rules in your team binder.
        6. Provide schedule information as soon as it becomes available to the team and families.
        7. Provide maps to tournament fields and hotels to all players.
        8. Be responsible for team check-in and registration. This may require you going a day ahead of the team based on tournament schedules.
        9. Process payment through Financial Manager, Heather Prince
        10. When arranging hotels, some hotels provide a room for the coach at no charge depending on the number of rooms and their policy – ask.