Fall Training
The Michigan Wolves Soccer Club provides fall training for anyone not playing high school or looking for extra training. Louis Sala will lead the group. He’s a former Wolves player and just finished at Michigan State last fall. It would be a exceptional environment with a young energetic coach who will be hands on. Moreover, the training will be geared towards the individual to improve on technical abilities. The schedule will consist of 2 sessions each week from September through October and will lead you right into our older teams returning. Training program is open to any player from any club.
Training days- (September 6th – October 30th)
Monday 8-9:15pm (dome)
Thursday 7:30-8:45pm (dome)
Cost- $500 (30/session) Registration Link: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/375165
Drop ins are welcome but is $35/session. Will need to register with Scott Duhl at elduhl@yahoo.com the day of training and bring payment.